0.16 kg
Baby food: homogenized with ham and cereal. Our ham is unseasoned pork leg and comes from pigs from selected farms, located in Lombardy, Piedmont, Emilia-Romagna, Marche and Umbria.
In a......
Baby food: homogenized with ham and cereal. Our ham is unseasoned pork leg and comes from pigs from selected farms, located in Lombardy, Piedmont, Emilia-Romagna, Marche and Umbria.
In all farms, the disciplinary provisions of the Oasis in Growth program are applied, in which the breeding and control requirements necessary to guarantee the quality of our meats are defined.
On the farms we take care of the animals, feeding them with controlled and carefully selected feed for each animal species, without ever using waste from the food industries in general, even if not established by law.
The uncured leg of pork used is free of nitrites and nitrates and polyphosphates, which are prohibited by law in baby food.
Meat is an important food in children's nutrition. Plasmon homogenized meat products are designed to provide the child with proteins of high biological value coming exclusively from meat.
The product must be stored in a dry place away from heat sources. If not completely consumed, the product must be closed, stored in the refrigerator and consumed within 24 hours. Product indicated from the 4th month completed, unless otherwise advised by the pediatrician.
Without colourings* and preservatives*, as required by law* Gluten-free
N.B. | La spedizione è gratis sopra i 30.00€ solo nelle zone di copertura previste dalla spesa rapida.
I prodotti freschi sono consegnabili solo con la spesa rapida.