0.4 kg
Among the products to keep insects away from home, Conad Insecticide spray cockroaches and ants stands out for its effectiveness and for the long duration of its action. Specific spray to free d......
Among the products to keep insects away from home, Conad Insecticide spray cockroaches and ants stands out for its effectiveness and for the long duration of its action. Specific spray to free domestic environments from cockroaches, ants and other crawling insects, thanks to its formula with immediate action and with a flushing effect, it guarantees their long-lasting removal. To have total effectiveness, a second treatment can be repeated after 20/30 days.
Obtained with a careful selection of supplier companies and with rigorous additional controls, the Conad insecticide Cockroaches and Ants is a quality product you can trust. It is not harmful to humans and pets, it only requires a series of precautions at the time of use: for example, it is recommended not to spray the product in excessive or improper quantities, and to always direct the jet away by people, keeping the cylinder about 10 cm away from the surface to be treated.
Avoiding spraying in the air and avoiding directly inhaling the spray and spraying it in the eyes are other obvious but useful considerations. Just like the other instructions and warnings, which you can find indicated on the label, together with the formulation. Insecticide Cockroaches and Ants Spray 400 ml Conad has a validity of 5 years and is also characterized by the excellent relationship between quality and price.
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