0.5 kg
Prepared with excellent apple cider, Conad Apple Vinegar is a quality product, obtained with a careful selection of supplier companies and with rigorous controls on the supply chain.
Prepared with excellent apple cider, Conad Apple Vinegar is a quality product, obtained with a careful selection of supplier companies and with rigorous controls on the supply chain.
Delicate and fragrant, apple cider vinegar is certainly pleasant on the palate, but the goodness in this case is almost secondary, because it really is much more than a pleasant condiment. The most important aspect that concerns it is in fact linked to health, because there are so many beneficial properties that apple cider vinegar can boast.
An excellent antioxidant, apple cider vinegar is a natural anti-inflammatory and antibacterial. Diuretic, deflated abdomen and lower limbs. Particularly appreciated by those on a diet, it not only brings very few calories but also promotes weight loss. Ideal for aiding digestion, it reduces acidity and heartburn. By lowering cholesterol and blood sugar levels, it is super suitable for diabetics. But it doesn't end there...
Being a perfect degreaser, in fact, apple cider vinegar is also suitable for cleaning at home, achieving incredible results on the most stubborn dirt. So many reasons to give him our preference. Or in any case to make it indispensable among all the condiments.
Preserved in the glass bottle, which perfectly preserves the taste and aroma, consistency and nutritional properties of the product, Conad Apple Vinegar 500 ml is characterized by the excellent relationship between quality and price.
Among the Conad-branded bottles of vinegar, the apple variety could certainly not be missing. Could it possibly be missing in your pantry?! Precious ally of well-being, very useful at home.
N.B. | La spedizione è gratis sopra i 30.00€ solo nelle zone di copertura previste dalla spesa rapida.
I prodotti freschi sono consegnabili solo con la spesa rapida.