0.5 kg
A format of Pasta di Gragnano PGI with a strong flavour, rough on the palate, which always remains al dente, even after the indicated cooking time . They look like two identical ro......
A format of Pasta di Gragnano PGI with a strong flavour, rough on the palate, which always remains al dente, even after the indicated cooking time . They look like two identical ropes intertwined with each other, Garofalo Gemelli are a type of bronze-drawn short pasta that intrigues and delights the palate.
€1,45you save €0,20
N.B. | La spedizione è gratis sopra i 30.00€ solo nelle zone di copertura previste dalla spesa rapida.
I prodotti freschi sono consegnabili solo con la spesa rapida.
SKU: 88061.20.00
ISBN: 8000139000652