2.0 kg
Conad Croquettes with Fish represent a complete cat food and appetizing. The recipe contains different varieties of fish, to guarantee your cat a tast......
Conad Croquettes with Fish represent a complete cat food and appetizing. The recipe contains different varieties of fish, to guarantee your cat a tasty and nutritious meal, with the proteins, vitamins and minerals he needs. Particularly palatable, our croquettes with fish are also suitable for the palates of the most demanding cats.
Obtained with quality raw materials, with a careful selection of supplier companies and with rigorous controls on the supply chain, Conad crunchies with salmon, trout and tuna are part of a complete line of cat food, specifically designed to help you feed the your cat with variety, ensuring the right balance of fats, proteins, vitamins and minerals for each recipe.
Among the Conad-branded cat food proposals, crunchies with salmon, trout and tuna certainly could not be missing. Could they possibly be missing in a cool, dry corner of the space dedicated to your pet?! On the packaging you can read the composition and doses, advice and other useful information.
Rich in Omega 3, high quality proteins, essential minerals and vitamin D, Conad Crunchies with Fish are a dry food on which you can optimally count on for your beloved four-legged friend to do full of energy and vitality .
In recommending that you always offer your cat a mix of wet and dry food, we would like to point out that Conad Croquettes with Salmon, Trout and Tuna Fish 2 kg also boast a excellent relationship between quality and price .
N.B. | La spedizione è gratis sopra i 30.00€ solo nelle zone di copertura previste dalla spesa rapida.
I prodotti freschi sono consegnabili solo con la spesa rapida.